Thursday, September 9, 2010

My name is Amy, and I'm a bookworm

I love to read. Love it, love it, love it. A few years ago, Chris and I started keep track of how many books we read a year. While my list is sometimes triple the size of his, he can recall the plots of all the books he's read, while I have trouble remembering the names of some of mine.

On that note, here's my list of books for 2010 so far (the ones I remembered to write down at least, let's assume there's 5 to 10 I forgot about:

1. George R. R. Martin - A Clash of Kings
2. George R. R. Martin - A Storm of Swords
3. George R. R. Martin - A Feast for Crows
4. Barbara Kingsolver - The Poisonwood Bible
5. Barbara Kingsolver - The Bean Trees
6. Wally Lamb - I Know This Much Is True
7. Barbara Kingsolver - Pigs In Heaven
8. Neil Gaiman - Coraline
9. Audrey Niffenegger - The Time Traveler's Wife
10. Anna Maxted - Rich Again
11. Meg Cabot - The Boy Next Door
12. Meg Cabot - Size 12 Is Not Fat
13. Meg Cabot - Size 14 Is Not Fat, Either
14. Meg Cabot - Big Boned
15. Jeanne DuPrau - The City of Ember
16. Jeanne DuPrau - The People of Sparks
17. Sloane Crosley - I Was Told There'd Be Cake
18. Helen Fielding - Cause Celeb
19. Art Spiegelman - Maus
20. Chuck Palaniuk - Fight Club
21. Jeanne DuPrau - The Prophet of Yonwood
22. Greg Mortenson and David Oliver Relin - Three Cups of Tea
23. Frank Miller - The Dark Knight Returns
24. Daniell Ganek - The Summer We Read Gatsby
25. Norman Maclean - A River Runs Through It
26 P. G. Wodehouse - French Leave
27. Katherine Howe - The Physick Book of Deliverance Dane
28. Sam Lipsyte - Home Land
29. Edith Head - How To Dress For Success
30. Art Spiegelman - Maus II
31. Bill Willingham - Fables
32. Alice Hoffman - Practical Magic
33. Jeanne DuPrau - The Diamond of Darkhold
34. Tom Perrotta - The Abstinence Teacher
35. Reif Larson - The Selected Works of T.S. Spivet
36. Dave Eggers - Zeitoun 37. P.G. Wodehouse - Young Men in Spats
38. Barbara Kingsolver - Prodigal Summer

Some of these books are straight up chick lit. Some are fantasy. Some are graphic novels. Some are for young adults. I don't care. I love them all. That's not technically true. There were a few I disliked (Rich Again...dumb!), and a few that are not on the list because I could not even finish them. I'm looking at you, Opening Atlantis.

But for the most part, I would recommend many of these. Especially Maus, Three Cups of Tea, The Selected Works of TS Spivet, and any of Barbara Kingsolver's. And George RR Martin, if you're a huge nerd, like me.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Shoot That Posion Arrow Through My Heart...

I am absolutely smitten with these gorgeous handmade arrows from Fredericks and Mae. I found them while perusing blogs in search of bedroom decorating inspiration and fell head over heels.