I know October is a few weeks away (already?!), but I need something to motivate me to do the things I've been meaning to do for a while. So here are the things I want to do in October (or before!):
1. Make homemade laundry detergent.
2. Repaint the dining room. Currently a purple-gray, I was looking for a traditional light gray.
3. Get rid of several boxes of books that I purged. hopefully, this will help me with my years-long goal of buying new bookshelves. They just aren't that high on my priority list, though.
4. Print and organize pictures into albums. I've been okay at printing pictures but none are organized.
Very exciting, I know. I am definitely a planner, and I like to have lists of goals and tasks. It makes me feel good to see a bunch of things checked off. When you are busy running around after a little one, it's easy to feel like you never get anything accomplished. These lists (however big or small) help fight that feeling.